Trap Grounds Allotment Association
Gardening Calendar
- Start sowing cabbage, lettuce, peas and cauliflower in a heated greenhouse
- Plant new rhubarb crowns just below the surface
- You can start sowing parsnip seed, but it may be too cold to germinate
- Plant broad beans in pots for an early crop
- Check your stored potatoes from last year; rub off any sprouts appearing
- Tie in new blackberry shoots as they appear and before they get too long
- Start successional sowing of summer spinach
- Start successional sowing of radishes
- You can start sowing your onion sets now if the ground is not too hard or wet
- Sow your first peas in pots in the cold frame or under fleece direct into the ground
- Cover your strawberry patch with fleece or a cloche to warm up the ground
- Prune blackcurrant bushes
Beetroot ballad by Martin Carr